Preconsul- Dryopithecus-Shivapithecus (Ramapithecus)

Chapter 03
Preconsul- Dryopithecus-Shivapithecus (Ramapithecus)

Hominidae - Wikipedia

Evolution Tree= Hominoidea (common Grandmother of Human and Ape)

Period of Existence= 22 MYA to 7 MYA Myocene Epoch(23 – 5MYA)

>Lived mostly  on Tree-
à Myocene @ Arid----Grasland
>Branching of evolution:
                 >>Ape family= Those who decided to live on trees...adopted as per new arid environment .
                 >>Homonid= Those  who adopted to new climate.

  ▼Proconsul – Dryopithecus –Sivapithecus are Fossil Ape == Dryopithecus or Dyropiths.


     >Proconsul + Afropithecus= Lake Rusinga, Kenya.
     >Kenyapithecus + Dendropithecus =Kenya.
     >Otavipithecus =S. Africa
     >New Genus = Monto, Uganda

     >Dryopithecus = France + Germany +Spain etc
     >Rudapithecus= Hungary
     >Ouranopithecus= Greece.

     >Lufengpithecus= Lufeng , China
     >Heliopithecus =Saudi Arabia
     >Ramapithecus= India
     >Shivapithecus= Siwalik(India) + Potwar(Pakistan).

Classification base on period of existence:
1)Proconsul and Miocene Apes
2)Dryopithecus and Middle Miocene Apes.
3)Sivapithecus and Later Miocene Apes.

1) Proconsul and Miocene Apes
> Why named Proconsul?
     =Proconsul was name of popular Chimpanzee at London Zoo.
>Size= Large monkey to Female Gorillas.
>Quadruped without Tail
>resembled Ape= Hand + Feet + sacrum.
>Not a Bronchiator=bcoz of anatomy of Humerus + wrist bone + post cranial anatomy(other then skull).
>Pelvic or illium= Blend of Monkey + Ape + some unique features.
>Major species=P.africanus(10-15 Kg)  + P.nyanzae(30-40 Kg)+ P.major
>either direct ansestor of Homonid or closely related.
>other miocene Apes are not that well known.

>Note= as per expert(Pilbeam+ others) = P.africanus(Male)  + P.nyanzae(Female) of same species P.nyanzae……….if this theory is accepted then it will be an example of Sexual diamorphism at it Zenith.

2)Dryopithecus and Middle Miocene Apes.
>Distribution =Europe + Africa
>Dryopithecus + Kenyapithecus are best example.
>Post crenial element= same to that of Proconsul…….only difference =
thick enamel on teeth.
Sexual dimorphism in Size and in canine…………….in proconsul yaa to diamorphism nahi hai yaa to bohoot hai…
>Otaviapithecus= recently found in South Africa(Namibbia)…..does not have thick enamel but belong to this period.

3)Sivapithecus and Later Miocene Apes.
>Believe to have given rise to Orangutan(Phylogenetic relation)….Skull and face are simmilar

>Shivapithecus group shows affinity to the Pongo-line and do not bear similarities with austalopithecus group.


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