1.1 Meaning, Scope and development of Anthropology.

1.1    Meaning, Scope and development of                   Anthropology.

>> Anthropology = it’s a discipline that studies human across time and space.

How to understand development and Scope of Anthropology?
    || Explain development of Anthro ?

 >>It can be infered from various defination given across time by its proponents:
          =Father of Anthro
          =Anthro= Gossips that revolves around man. || Gossper=Anthropologist.

        2) 14th-17th Cent AD :
           =Anthro as a Discipline in Philosophy Dept in German University.

        3)Emmanuel Kant(18th Cent):
          =Discipline concerned with study of human origin and biological evolution and also the human cultural and social development.
          =First Person ==Animal origin of humans.
         4)Britanica (9th Cent):
           =Discipline that is devoted to the human discourse or human Nature.
           =It increased the scope= Nature === Function of Biological + Cultureal + human society.

          5)E.B Tylor (19th – 20th cent AD):
             = kept human study limited to Primitive man and not the civilised one.

          6) Malinowski +Radcliffe Brown + Franz Boas (Functionalism):
            =Increased the scope to all human of every civilisation.
            =ATH(According to him) Scope of Anthro pertains to the study of biology+ nculture and society of man throughout time and in all parts of the world.

            =Anthro= The science of group of men and their behavior and production.

            =Antrho= Study of men and his action.

          9)Jacob and Sterns:
            =Anthro= it is the scientific study of the physical social and cultural development and behavior of human beings since their appearance of this Earth.

▼ Explain what is the scope of Anthropology:


▼ Why so much Discipline involved in Anthro?
>Approach to anthropology involves 1)Holistic 2)Historical and 3)Comparitive.

=Suppose I am specialised in Biology or Economics , I will examine Impact of Biology on human behavior , culture etc. or I will examine economics  on human behavior , culture , physics etc.

=Suppose My specialisation is biology then I will look at the paleontological evidence (Fossils) to find mystrey of present biology through evolutional mechanism.

>How and why  a particular political unit is simmilar and diff from other.
>diff and simmilarities between 2 culture.
>2 type of Comparitive method:
   =1)Synchronic Comparision= same time diff location.
   =2)Diachronic Comparision= same Location diff time.

Difference between Sociology and Anthropology ↓↓↓ :

Comparitive study:
=mid of 19th cent AD, Both split== as Sociologist decided to focus on European society and Anthropologist on comparing and contrasting  what was known about the peoples and culture of the world dead and alive.

Holistic Theme:
= Sociologist gave more focus to Society and social system
   While Anthropoligists focused on connecting dots of various domains like biology + sociology + ethnology +Archeology etc.
=Its fundamental diff.


• Define Anthropology. Describe the major branches of Anthropology elaborating on any one branch.(2017)

• Critically examine the role of anthropology in Contemporary India. (15Marks 2014)


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