1.2 Relationship with other disciplines

Other Disciplines:

>>Social Sciences,
>>Behavioral Sciences
>>Life Sciences
>> Medical Sciences
>> Earth Sciences
>> Humanities.


Is Anthropology  a natural science or Social science?

>> To answer this question we need to understand whats Natural science and Social Science:
   =Natural Science – Branch of science that studies Physical world ---  Ex- Geography + physcis +Chem +Geology etc.

   =Social science --- Branch of science that deals with non physical world --- Ex- Economics + SST + Art etc.

>>Initially Social law were treated as natural law….. since Anthro was about observing the pattern of social law they called anthro Natural science.

>>Malinowski = Anthro is in b/w Social and Natural science.

>>Redcliff-Brown + Nadel= Anthro is Natural Science…..bcoz Anthro does not studies a particular society in depth……….rather it involved in looking for pattern in evolution of present society hence completely natural.

>>Counter to Redcliff-Brown…by Kroeber + Bidney + Evans Pritchard = Culture and Nature are diff  things and have no unity……..
culture is human creature beyond natural limit (Sapeins book)

>>So whats true? = According to Robert Redfield “Holistic tendencies of approach  are on increase in Anthro”
       =Holistic approach--- if you are specialised in one discipline of anthro ex biology then also you try to untangle socila law at diff levels.
 = and bcoz of this holistic attitude , Anthro will shift towards Social science more in future then it is at present.



Comparing History and Anthro

>>Simmilarity= Both studies human past.




Studies a particular civilisation

Studies origin that civilisation, culture and its evolution.

Focuses on Political events

Focuses on cultural events.

Studies social aspect of man

Studies social aspect along with Physical aspect  of man.


Relation b/w Anthro and Sociology

>>Both sociology and Anthropology allow a wide spectrum of academic info exchange.
    == Sociologist Durkhiem (French) had profound impact on his anthropologist students “Malinowski + Redcliffe-Brown”.
==Krober said “Anthro and Sociology are twin sisters”.

      1)Ralph Linton and Abraham Kardiner =Helped in discovering Basic Personality Traits.
          --Each society has a basic “Personality Traits” which a child aquires due to cultural influence during his lifetime.
       2)Franz Boas(Physical Anthro) =Destroyed racism……..its environment which determines whether a child be a criminal or not.

       3)Malinowski= Culture should be studied with a viewpoint of its usefullness  for man.

>> Then
whats the diff if so much of cooperation/simmilarity occurs?



Studies modern society

Earlier Primitive now entire

Studies a particular society

Comparitive analysis of diff cultures.

Focused on social system

Many discipline= Bio +Geo + Genetics etc= links their dots.


 Relation with Political Science & Economics

>> Very light connection unlike other Disciplines.
>>Economics + Political science = only one social unit ||Anthro compares many across time and space.
     =Present political science deals with Nation State…which Ancient prehistoric time lacked(Anthro).
     =Economics deals with modern state…while Antrho deals with primitive + urban society.


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