1.3 Main branches of Anthropology: Scope & Relevance
Main Branches of
A)Social-Cultural Anthropology:
=Social Anthro origined as colonial study specially in UK.
=earlier Scope in UK during colonial
era= studied only “Social Structure”
(Marriage + Family + Kinship+Political organisation + Economic Activities).
=USA increased the scope to include all possible cultures(Qualities
not inherited).
=Gopal Saran (1983) said “It is neither
feasible nor desirable to make a very sharp distinction b/w social
Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology.
=Therefore now India
under the influence of USA used Scope cultural Anthro(social Anthro is a subset
of Cultural Anthro)……………………To avoid confusion we use Socio-Cultural Anthropology.
=Anything that is not inherited by Human comes under Socio-Cultural Anthro.
=May iclude= Family+ kinship+ political organisation+ law + economic activities
=to understand present society it involves two methods:
1)Synchronic = Social Anthropology—Same time diff location
2)Diachronic= Cultural Anthropology--- same location diff time---archeological
Anthro is best way to study.
=Why and hows of scoial structure…….Hindu gods are polygamous but society is
>Key terminology used:
=Ethnology --- Detailed discription
pf a culture group primarily on comparitive lines which occassionally results
in Ethnocentric writing.
=Ethnocentricism--- A belief that
ones own culture is superior to others.
=Ethnography(impact of Malinowsky.. Culture should be studied with a viewpoint of its usefullness for man )--- Detailed
discription of a cultural group without comparision.
B)Biological Anthropology:
>AKA Physical
=Study man as a product of evolutionary process.
=Analyses human Population= Mating pattern +Blood group distribution+ disease/immunities
in communities.
=Man’s interaction with Environment = adaptation and aclimatisation.
=Helps us to now about the variation in human population.
=Diseases in relation to human morphological traits, hair histology, human
adaptablity and immunisation.
=Demographic pattern---in breeding , out breeding, marrainge distance
,preferential mating pattern.
>How Biological Anthro is diff from Biology?
=Biological Anthro studies relationship b/w Biology and culture .
C)Archaeological Anthropology:
=Studies material objects as a means of describing and explaining human
=mainly deals with Preshistoric past…bcoz
historians can deal only with the written records.
=Interdisciplinary approach… suppose excavation of ground is required “we will
nee d Geologists”... now if a skeleton is found beneath it “We need Physicist and chemist for dating exact time”…..to infer various meaning Paleantologists are required.
=We can reconstruct the past beyond written record of human.
=Can understand evolution of culture from long distance.
=Limitation= since we can work only
from material evidence we cant know stuff like, “which language they spoke what
color they liked etc”
D) Linguistic Anthropology:
=Relationship b/w language and cultural behaviour.
=how human language developed?
=How diff languages are related to each other
=Relationship of language with other aspect of culture.
=Understand the thought process and the organisation of human mind as it is
expressed in language.
=Language gives us insights into culture and as such it is a valuable tool for
studying and understanding people.
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