Evolution of Hominids


Australopithecus afarensis (1st bipedal had culture)

                                                                  Arrow Pointing Down - Black And Red Arrow | Transparent PNG ...
Paranthropus (Nut cracker man) ↓

Paranthropus robustus cranium (SK46) - Stock Image - C016/5100 ... Paranthropus genus - The Australian Museum

                                                                     Arrow Pointing Down - Black And Red Arrow | Transparent PNG ...
Homo habilis (Tool Maker)

Specimen of the Week 260: the handy man | UCL UCL Culture BlogHomo habilis - The Australian Museum

                                                                                               Arrow Pointing Down - Black And Red Arrow | Transparent PNG ...

Homo eractus (Omnivorous but majorly Meat + Fire used for defence/cooking )↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓


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