Diffusion School



Believed in Degeneration(detoriation) of culture just like British.

Didn’t believed
bcoz, every culture makes its own adaptation, therefore,  the question that one progressed more is useless.

Rejected psychic unity

Didn’t use Psychic unity for explanatory purpose.
BUT used it to combat racism.

Used Criteria of form and Criteria of Quantity.

Used Trait Listing Approach in study.

Topology of diffusion on the line of Primary and Secondary diffusion.

On Natural and Organised diffusion.

Culture circle concept

Culture Area

Dynamic(CC ↑)
=as diff cultural traits and coplexes are migrated and accumulated in diff phases of time.

=tried to disect history of cultural dev in various areas.
=could not explain changes that occurred in time.

Stressed too much on migration by which culture traits and complex reached in diff places

Stressed on the Process of diffusion from culture centre.


They were obsessed with Egypt.:
1)diffusion spread from Egypt
2)Man are uninventive.
3)Invention occour only in a certain condition which suited Egypt.


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