Social Anthropology:::Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Uses of Anthropology

Historical background :
>Existed before form anthropologist came .
 >It was product of Capitalism.
   =Capitalism run by industrial revolution needed market for excess supply
   =led to colonialism----Required to study the culture of foreign people.
   =Imperial flag always followed Comercial flag .
>Missionary after reformation….spread there religion.
   =To do it in a better way….culture and religious info of locals were required.

Applied Anthropology Example in real world:

1)Ashanti outbreak
=West Abrika Tribal community.
=King of Ashanti tribe revered the golden stool.
’s importance= IT was regarded as the seat of collective soul of Ashanti people.
=Culture around stool= King use to keep his arm on the stool while seating on throne………Stool was never kept on ground but on elephant skin on which some cloth on which stool was placed………..when a need arises to summon the vast power, then king used to sit on the stool 3 times.

=British colonialist stole the Stool… subjugate them……an outbreak occurred….Anthropologist adviced to return it and some punishment to the person who stole it(vanishing that person)……thus saving major  conflict.
=Conclusion= Applied anthropology helps in providing smooth cordination b/w tribal with main stream without loosing its identity.

2)Oraon Village
=Railway consturction bridge was required on a river(considered haunted by a sprit…as it in past had collapsed twice due to flood etc).
=One side of the river were Hindu other Oraon.
=Sarat Chandra Roy, an Anthropologist , helped britishers by adviseing to renovate an old hindu temple……and by gifting a Flag with rail engine……..conflict solved.
=Later other Oraon developed bigger flag…then the later was gifted Flag with Aeroplane in it.
=Conslusion= same as above.

Anthropologist at Work:
>Negative work:
=Resolving b/w tribes and state.

>Positive work:
=Race problem solved.
Labour employer relation
=National Character…Ruth Benedict studied national character of Japanese during WW2.

Scope of Applied Anthropology:
>Franz Boas
=human problems can be solved as Anthro is a science of man.

>Raymond Firth:
=Brings together primitive societies and civilization without letting the former suffer form disintegration,
=since Anthropologist  does not make polices hence they are social doctors and not the social engineer.
=Scope= Diagnosis + Prediction.

>Evans Pritchard :
Cant be a policy maker…hence a social scientist.

=Work of Anthorpologist may be misused as it was in Racial discrimination….we know other then race major contribution is provided by environment and biology.
=But politicians used it to their comfort.
=Hence, Anthropologist should be a part of Policy maker.

>Scope in India:
Policy for rehabilation of tribals. As in more then 60% of Indias national park till today has not completed their rehabilation work.(Indian society by Nadeem Hasnain page 115)
=Asserting impact of community projects on rural life.
=Popularising planning.
=Rewritting Tribal and caste report….as earlier one was written by Beurocrats who lacks scietific grip on the subject.
=can help study the Generalised  Value attitude system…to controll population problems.
=Study of Malnutrition + juvenile delinquency + labour unrest+ industrial and rual life etc.


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