2.4 Family

2.4 Family Definition and universality; Family, household and domestic groups; functions of family; Types of family (from the perspectives of structure, blood relation, marriage, residence and succession); Impact of urbanization, industrialization and feminist movements on family. Defination and Univarsality Defination by William Newton Stephens: = The family in general is a group based on marriage and marriage contract , including the recognition of rights and duties of parenthood , common residence for husband, with and children and reciprocal economic obligation b/w the husband and wife. Why above defination is not universal? =bcoz it cant be applied to all society historically or cross culturally. Note: Conjugal relationship Vs Sexual relationship: Conjugal= sex after marriage, forms family. Sexual= sex before marriage, physical preasure Biological Father = Genitor Biological Mother= Genetrix. Social Father= Pater Social Mother= Mater Consa...